What is a Mentor?
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Mentor Me Petaluma Changes Lives!

Our mission is to match every Petaluma child who needs one with a mentor ? a caring adult role model and friend; your decision will help us reach our goal. Mentoring is not therapy or tutoring. Mentors provide a listening ear, non-judgmental guidance; they act as good role models for their mentees, helping them learn to set healthy boundaries and become happy, resilient people.

The magic of mentoring lies in the relationship and trust that flourish over time, therefore we hope that mentors will be able to give two years to their mentees. Many mentors continue mentoring for many years, into high school and beyond! Mentors meet with their mentees once a week for an hour, on school campus, during the school day and during the school year.

Mentoring enriches two lives simultaneously. Many adults whose lives and work are far distant from children have a wealth to give, but no way to give. The mentorship program provides a way.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a Mentor?
MEN*TOR (men'tor,ter)n. A wise and trusted friend and guide. Someone who, along with parents, provides young people with support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement and constructive example. A good listener. A caring adult. Someone who helps a young person to become the best he/she can be and encourages him/her to make healthy choices.

What does a Mentor do?
Spend time with a Petaluma child who needs an extra adult friend in his/her life. Cook, read, shoot hoops, do art or science projects, play games, do jigsaw puzzles. The school site Mentor Centers are fun and nurturing places!

How and why are the children referred to the program?
Children are referred by teachers, counselors or other school staff. Children are referred when they are struggling socially, emotionally and/or academically.

What sort of background check does the program require?
It is required by law that all volunteer mentors have a background check, including fingerprinting, and, if the school district requires it, be tested for TB. The Mentor Center Coordinator at your school site will give you more information.

How does the program support mentors?
Mentors receive initial orientation and on-going training. Experienced mentors are available to consult. Mentor Center Coordinators take care to make the best mentor match possible and provide on-going supervision and support to the mentorships.

How does a child benefit from having a mentor? Happy girls
Mentoring helps children to become more resilient, to meet life?s challenges with more self-confidence. Research has shown that children who have an innate belief that they are special, who have ?someone in their corner?, who connect deeply and consistently with a caring adult do better in school and are happier in all aspects of their lives. Mentoring provides this crucial connection.

What does it take to become a mentor with Mentor Me Petaluma?
Complete the application process, which includes an initial interview, references, background check, fingerprinting and new mentor orientation/training.

Whom do I contact?
Whom do I contact to get started or to ask more questions?
Contact Executive Director Val Richman: 778-4798,
or Deborah Dalton, Program Director,

35 Maria Dr, Suite 852, Petaluma CA 94954

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©2006 Mentor Me Petaluma ? 707.778.4798